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Pages payload struct

Appears in: pages table
As: payload

JSON-encoded WebPageTest result data for a page.

Here’s an example of the decoded object:

"_LargestContentfulPaintNodeType": "P",
"_LargestContentfulPaintType": "text",
"_LastInteractive": 400,
"_PerformancePaintTiming.first-contentful-paint": 314.80000000447035,
"_PerformancePaintTiming.first-paint": 314.80000000447035,
"_SpeedIndex": 400,
"_TTFB": 232,
"_TTIMeasurementEnd": 3452,
"_URL": "",
"_aft": 0,
"_audit_issues": [
"code": "QuirksModeIssue",
"details": {
"quirksModeIssueDetails": {
"documentNodeId": 2,
"frameId": "E021D0149DE3689992ECE4DF4B0ECA38",
"isLimitedQuirksMode": false,
"loaderId": "67DD39DE1A5C91FCB7B25B32EB8F7231",
"url": ""
"_basePageSSLTime": 98,
"_base_page_cdn": "Edgecast",
"_base_page_cname": "",
"_base_page_dns_server": "",
"_base_page_ip_ptr": "",
"_browserVersion": "",
"_browser_name": "Chrome",
"_browser_version": "",
"_bytesIn": 1296,
"_bytesInDoc": 1296,
"_bytesOut": 4112,
"_bytesOutDoc": 4112,
"_cached": 0,
"_chromeUserTiming": [
"name": "navigationStart",
"time": 39
"_chromeUserTiming.CumulativeLayoutShift": 0,
"_chromeUserTiming.LargestContentfulPaint": 354,
"_chromeUserTiming.LargestTextPaint": 354,
"_chromeUserTiming.TotalLayoutShift": 0,
"_chromeUserTiming.commitNavigationEnd": 285,
"_chromeUserTiming.domComplete": 320,
"_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd": 320,
"_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart": 320,
"_chromeUserTiming.domInteractive": 320,
"_chromeUserTiming.domLoading": 285,
"_chromeUserTiming.fetchStart": 48,
"_chromeUserTiming.firstContentfulPaint": 354,
"_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaint": 354,
"_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaintCandidate": 354,
"_chromeUserTiming.firstPaint": 354,
"_chromeUserTiming.loadEventEnd": 320,
"_chromeUserTiming.loadEventStart": 320,
"_chromeUserTiming.markAsMainFrame": 284,
"_chromeUserTiming.navigationStart": 74,
"_chromeUserTiming.responseEnd": 277,
"_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventEnd": 284,
"_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventStart": 284,
"_connections": 1,
"_consoleLog": [
"level": "error",
"networkRequestId": "344808.2",
"source": "network",
"text": "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()",
"timestamp": 1726370503561.599,
"url": ""
"_cpu.CommitLoad": 0,
"_cpu.EventDispatch": 0,
"_cpu.FunctionCall": 0,
"_cpu.HTMLDocumentParser::FetchQueuedPreloads": 0,
"_cpu.Idle": 302,
"_cpu.Layerize": 0,
"_cpu.Layout": 18,
"_cpu.MarkDOMContent": 0,
"_cpu.MarkLoad": 0,
"_cpu.Paint": 0,
"_cpu.ParseHTML": 2,
"_cpu.PrePaint": 0,
"_cpu.ResourceFetcher::requestResource": 0,
"_cpu.UpdateLayoutTree": 0,
"_cpu.largestContentfulPaint::Candidate": 0,
"_cpuTimes": {
"CommitLoad": 0,
"EventDispatch": 0,
"FunctionCall": 0,
"HTMLDocumentParser::FetchQueuedPreloads": 0,
"Idle": 302,
"Layerize": 0,
"Layout": 18,
"MarkDOMContent": 0,
"MarkLoad": 0,
"Paint": 0,
"ParseHTML": 2,
"PrePaint": 0,
"ResourceFetcher::requestResource": 0,
"UpdateLayoutTree": 0,
"largestContentfulPaint::Candidate": 0
"_cpuTimesDoc": {
"CommitLoad": 0,
"EventDispatch": 0,
"FunctionCall": 0,
"HTMLDocumentParser::FetchQueuedPreloads": 0,
"Idle": 299,
"Layerize": 0,
"Layout": 18,
"MarkDOMContent": 0,
"MarkLoad": 0,
"Paint": 0,
"ParseHTML": 2,
"PrePaint": 0,
"ResourceFetcher::requestResource": 0,
"UpdateLayoutTree": 0,
"largestContentfulPaint::Candidate": 0
"_date": 1726370503.1648238,
"_docTime": 320,
"_document_URL": "",
"_document_hostname": "",
"_document_origin": "",
"_domComplete": 281,
"_domContentLoadedEventEnd": 280,
"_domContentLoadedEventStart": 280,
"_domElements": 12,
"_domInteractive": 280,
"_domLoading": 0,
"_domTime": 0,
"_edge-processed": true,
"_effectiveBps": 14727,
"_eventName": "Step_1",
"_execution_contexts": [
"id": 1,
"name": "",
"origin": ""
"_final_base_page_request": 0,
"_final_base_page_request_id": "44714C6F6C72B045136D19CA9894886A",
"_final_url": "",
"_firstContentfulPaint": 354,
"_firstMeaningfulPaint": 354,
"_firstPaint": 314.80000000447035,
"_fullyLoaded": 323,
"_fullyLoadedCPUms": 610,
"_fullyLoadedCPUpct": 9.41358024700691,
"_gzip_savings": 0,
"_gzip_total": 648,
"_image_savings": 0,
"_image_total": 0,
"_interactivePeriods": [[0, 3452]],
"_largestPaints": [
"DOMNodeId": 3,
"event": "LargestTextPaint",
"nodeInfo": {
"bounds": [660, 192.875, 600, 57],
"nodeType": "P",
"styles": {
"background-image": "none"
"size": 33858,
"time": 354
"_lastVisualChange": 400,
"_lighthouse.Accessibility": 0.88,
"_lighthouse.BestPractices": 0.96,
"_lighthouse.Performance": 1,
"_lighthouse.Performance.cumulative-layout-shift": 0,
"_lighthouse.Performance.first-contentful-paint": 329.542,
"_lighthouse.Performance.largest-contentful-paint": 329.542,
"_lighthouse.Performance.speed-index": 322,
"": 0,
"_lighthouse.SEO": 0.9,
"_loadEventEnd": 281,
"_loadEventStart": 281,
"_loadTime": 320,
"_main_frame": "E021D0149DE3689992ECE4DF4B0ECA38",
"_minify_savings": -1,
"_minify_total": -1,
"_optimization_checked": 1,
"_origin_dns": {
"cname": [],
"https": [],
"mx": ["0 ."],
"ns": [
"soa": [
" 2024081420 7200 3600 1209600 3600"
"svcb": [],
"txt": [
"\"v=spf1 -all\"",
"_osPlatform": "x86_64 x86_64",
"_osVersion": "Linux 6.8.0-1014-gcp",
"_os_version": "Linux 6.8.0-1014-gcp",
"_render": 400,
"_renderBlockingCSS": 0,
"_renderBlockingJS": 0,
"_requests": 2,
"_requestsDoc": 2,
"_requestsFull": 2,
"_responses_200": 1,
"_responses_404": 1,
"_responses_other": 0,
"_result": 99999,
"_run": 1,
"_score_cache": -1,
"_score_cdn": 100,
"_score_combine": -1,
"_score_compress": -1,
"_score_cookies": -1,
"_score_etags": -1,
"_score_gzip": 100,
"_score_keep-alive": 100,
"_score_minify": -1,
"_score_progressive_jpeg": -1,
"_server_rtt": 0,
"_start_epoch": 1726370501.1809506,
"_step": 1,
"_testID": "240912_Dx1XE_EVGML",
"_testStartOffset": 0,
"_testUrl": "",
"_test_run_time_ms": 5850,
"_tester": "agents-west-1-kl42-",
"_titleTime": 76,
"_v8Stats": {
"background": {},
"main_thread": {}
"_viewport": {
"dpr": 1,
"height": 993,
"width": 1920
"_visualComplete": 400,
"_visualComplete85": 400,
"_visualComplete90": 400,
"_visualComplete95": 400,
"_visualComplete99": 400,
"id": "page_1_0_1",
"pageTimings": {
"_startRender": 400,
"onContentLoad": -1,
"onLoad": 320
"startedDateTime": "2024-09-15T03:21:42.914962",
"testID": "240912_Dx1XE_EVGML",
"title": "Run 1, First View for"


_LargestContentfulPaintNodeTypestringThe node type of the largest contentful paint
_LargestContentfulPaintTypestringThe type of the largest contentful paint
_LastInteractiveintThe time when the page was last interactive in milliseconds
_PerformancePaintTiming.first-contentful-paintfloatThe time when the first contentful paint occurred in milliseconds
_PerformancePaintTiming.first-paintfloatThe time when the first paint occurred in milliseconds
_SpeedIndexintThe Speed Index score
_TTFBintThe time to first byte in milliseconds
_TTIMeasurementEndintThe time when the TTI measurement ended in milliseconds
_URLstringThe URL of the page
_aftintThe above-the-fold time in milliseconds
_audit_issuesarrayAudit issues
_basePageSSLTimeintThe time spent on SSL for the base page in milliseconds
_base_page_cdnstringThe CDN used for the base page
_base_page_cnamestringThe CNAME used for the base page
_base_page_dns_serverstringThe DNS server used for the base page
_base_page_ip_ptrstringThe IP PTR used for the base page
_browserVersionstringThe browser version
_browser_namestringThe browser name
_browser_versionstringThe browser version
_bytesInintThe number of bytes received in
_bytesInDocintThe number of bytes received in the document
_bytesOutintThe number of bytes sent out
_bytesOutDocintThe number of bytes sent out in the
_cachedintWhether the page was cached
_chromeUserTimingarrayChrome user timing
_chromeUserTiming.CumulativeLayoutShiftintThe cumulative layout shift
_chromeUserTiming.LargestContentfulPaintintThe largest contentful paint
_chromeUserTiming.LargestTextPaintintThe largest text paint
_chromeUserTiming.TotalLayoutShiftintThe total layout shift
_chromeUserTiming.commitNavigationEndintThe commit navigation end
_chromeUserTiming.domCompleteintThe DOM complete
_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventEndintThe DOM content loaded event end
_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventStartintThe DOM content loaded event start
_chromeUserTiming.domInteractiveintThe DOM interactive
_chromeUserTiming.domLoadingintThe DOM loading
_chromeUserTiming.fetchStartintThe fetch start
_chromeUserTiming.firstContentfulPaintintThe first contentful paint
_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaintintThe first meaningful paint
_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaintCandidateintThe first meaningful paint candidate
_chromeUserTiming.firstPaintintThe first paint
_chromeUserTiming.loadEventEndintThe load event end
_chromeUserTiming.loadEventStartintThe load event start
_chromeUserTiming.markAsMainFrameintThe mark as main frame
_chromeUserTiming.navigationStartintThe navigation start
_chromeUserTiming.responseEndintThe response end
_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventEndintThe unload event end
_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventStartintThe unload event start
_connectionsintThe number of connections
_consoleLogarrayConsole logs
_cpu.CommitLoadintThe CPU time spent on commit load in milliseconds
_cpu.EventDispatchintThe CPU time spent on event dispatch in milliseconds
_cpu.FunctionCallintThe CPU time spent on function call in milliseconds
_cpu.HTMLDocumentParser::FetchQueuedPreloadsintThe CPU time spent on HTML document parser fetch queued preloads in milliseconds
_cpu.IdleintThe CPU time spent on idle in milliseconds
_cpu.LayerizeintThe CPU time spent on layerize in milliseconds
_cpu.LayoutintThe CPU time spent on layout in milliseconds
_cpu.MarkDOMContentintThe CPU time spent on marking DOM content in milliseconds
_cpu.MarkLoadintThe CPU time spent on marking load in milliseconds
_cpu.PaintintThe CPU time spent on paint in milliseconds
_cpu.ParseHTMLintThe CPU time spent on parsing HTML in milliseconds
_cpu.PrePaintintThe CPU time spent on pre-paint in milliseconds
_cpu.ResourceFetcher::requestResourceintThe CPU time spent on resource fetcher request resource in milliseconds
_cpu.UpdateLayoutTreeintThe CPU time spent on updating layout tree in milliseconds
_cpu.V8.GC_TIME_TO_SAFEPOINTintThe CPU time spent on V8 GC time to safepoint in milliseconds
_cpu.largestContentfulPaint::CandidateintThe CPU time spent on largest contentful paint candidate in milliseconds
_cpuTimesobjectCPU times
_cpuTimesDocobjectCPU times for the document
_datefloatThe date in Unix timestamp format
_docTimeintThe document time in milliseconds
_document_URLstringThe URL of the document
_document_hostnamestringThe hostname of the document
_document_originstringThe origin of the document
_domCompleteintThe DOM complete in milliseconds
_domContentLoadedEventEndintThe DOM content loaded event end in milliseconds
_domContentLoadedEventStartintThe DOM content loaded event start in milliseconds
_domElementsintThe number of DOM elements
_domInteractiveintThe DOM interactive in milliseconds
_domLoadingintThe DOM loading in milliseconds
_domTimeintThe DOM time in milliseconds
_edge-processedbooleanWhether the page was processed by Edge
_effectiveBpsintThe effective BPS
_eventNamestringThe event name
_execution_contextsarrayExecution contexts
_final_base_page_requestintThe final base page request
_final_base_page_request_idstringThe final base page request ID
_final_urlstringThe final URL
_firstContentfulPaintintThe first contentful paint in milliseconds
_firstMeaningfulPaintintThe first meaningful paint in milliseconds
_firstPaintfloatThe first paint in milliseconds
_fullyLoadedintThe fully loaded time in milliseconds
_fullyLoadedCPUmsintThe fully loaded CPU time in milliseconds
_fullyLoadedCPUpctfloatThe fully loaded CPU percentage
_gzip_savingsintThe bytes saved by gzip compression
_gzip_totalintThe total bytes in gzip compression
_image_savingsintThe bytes saved by image compression
_image_totalintThe total bytes in image compression
_interactivePeriodsarrayInteractive periods
_largestPaintsarrayLargest paints
_lastVisualChangeintThe time of the last visual change in milliseconds
_lighthouse.AccessibilityfloatThe Lighthouse accessibility score
_lighthouse.BestPracticesfloatThe Lighthouse best practices score
_lighthouse.PerformancefloatThe Lighthouse performance score
_lighthouse.Performance.cumulative-layout-shiftintThe Lighthouse cumulative layout shift
_lighthouse.Performance.first-contentful-paintfloatThe Lighthouse first contentful paint
_lighthouse.Performance.largest-contentful-paintfloatThe Lighthouse largest contentful paint
_lighthouse.Performance.speed-indexintThe Lighthouse speed index Lighthouse total blocking time
_lighthouse.SEOfloatThe Lighthouse SEO score
_loadEventEndintThe load event end in milliseconds
_loadEventStartintThe load event start in milliseconds
_loadTimeintThe load time in milliseconds
_main_framestringThe main frame
_minify_savingsintThe bytes saved by minification
_minify_totalintThe total bytes in minification
_optimization_checkedintWhether optimization checks were performed
_origin_dnsobjectOrigin DNS
_osPlatformstringThe OS platform
_osVersionstringThe OS version
_os_versionstringThe OS version
_renderintThe render time in milliseconds
_renderBlockingCSSintThe render blocking CSS time in milliseconds
_renderBlockingJSintThe render blocking JS time in milliseconds
_requestsintThe number of requests
_requestsDocintThe number of requests in the document
_requestsFullintThe number of full requests
_responses_200intThe number of 200 responses
_responses_404intThe number of 404 responses
_responses_otherintThe number of other responses
_resultintThe result
_runintThe run
_score_cacheintThe cache score
_score_cdnintThe CDN score
_score_combineintThe combine score
_score_compressintThe compress score
_score_cookiesintThe cookies score
_score_etagsintThe etags score
_score_gzipintThe gzip score
_score_keep-aliveintThe keep-alive score
_score_minifyintThe minify score
_score_progressive_jpegintThe progressive JPEG score
_server_rttintThe server RTT
_start_epochfloatThe start epoch in Unix timestamp format
_stepintThe step
_testIDstringThe test ID
_testStartOffsetintThe test start offset
_testUrlstringThe test URL
_test_run_time_msintThe test run time in milliseconds
_testerstringThe tester
_titleTimeintThe title time in milliseconds
_v8StatsobjectV8 stats
_viewportobjectThe viewport
_visualCompleteintThe visual complete time in milliseconds
_visualComplete85intThe 85th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
_visualComplete90intThe 90th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
_visualComplete95intThe 95th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
_visualComplete99intThe 99th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
idstringThe page ID
pageTimingsobjectPage timings
startedDateTimestringThe start date and time of the page in Unix timestamp format
testIDstringThe test ID
titlestringThe page title


The node type of the largest contentful paint


The type of the largest contentful paint


The time when the page was last interactive in milliseconds


The time when the first contentful paint occurred in milliseconds


The time when the first paint occurred in milliseconds


The Speed Index score


The time to first byte in milliseconds


The time when the TTI measurement ended in milliseconds


The URL of the page


The above-the-fold time in milliseconds


Audit issues


The time spent on SSL for the base page in milliseconds


The CDN used for the base page


The CNAME used for the base page


The DNS server used for the base page


The IP PTR used for the base page


The browser version


The browser name


The browser version


The number of bytes received in


The number of bytes received in the document


The number of bytes sent out


The number of bytes sent out in the document


Whether the page was cached


Chrome user timing


The cumulative layout shift


The largest contentful paint


The largest text paint


The total layout shift


The commit navigation end


The DOM complete


The DOM content loaded event end


The DOM content loaded event start


The DOM interactive


The DOM loading in milliseconds


The fetch start in milliseconds


The first contentful paint


The first meaningful paint


The first meaningful paint candidate


The first paint


The load event end


The load event start


The mark as main frame


The navigation start


The response end


The unload event end


The unload event start


The number of connections


Console logs


The CPU time spent on commit load in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on event dispatch in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on function call in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on HTML document parser fetch queued preloads in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on idle in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on layerize in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on layout in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on marking DOM content in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on marking load in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on paint in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on parsing HTML in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on pre-paint in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on resource fetcher request resource in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on updating layout tree in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on V8 GC time to safepoint in milliseconds


The CPU time spent on largest contentful paint candidate in milliseconds


CPU times


CPU times for the document


The date in Unix timestamp format


The document time in milliseconds


The URL of the document


The hostname of the document


The origin of the document


The DOM complete in milliseconds


The DOM content loaded event end in milliseconds


The DOM content loaded event start in milliseconds


The number of DOM elements


The DOM interactive in milliseconds


The DOM loading in milliseconds


The DOM time in milliseconds


Whether the page was processed by Edge


The effective BPS


The event name


Execution contexts


The final base page request


The final base page request ID


The final URL


The first contentful paint in milliseconds


The first meaningful paint in milliseconds


The first paint in milliseconds


The fully loaded time in milliseconds


The fully loaded CPU time in milliseconds


The fully loaded CPU percentage


The bytes saved by gzip compression


The total bytes in gzip compression


The bytes saved by image compression


The total bytes in image compression


Interactive periods in milliseconds


Largest paints


The time of the last visual change in milliseconds


The Lighthouse accessibility score


The Lighthouse best practices score


The Lighthouse performance score


The Lighthouse cumulative layout shift


The Lighthouse first contentful paint


The Lighthouse largest contentful paint


The Lighthouse speed index


The Lighthouse total blocking time


The Lighthouse SEO score


The load event end in milliseconds


The load event start in milliseconds


The load time in milliseconds


The main frame


The bytes saved by minification


The total bytes in minification


Whether optimization checks were performed


Origin DNS


The OS platform


The OS version


The OS version


The render time in milliseconds


The render blocking CSS time in milliseconds


The render blocking JS time in milliseconds


The number of requests


The number of requests in the document


The number of full requests


The number of 200 responses


The number of 404 responses


The number of other responses


The result code of the test run


The run number


The cache score


The CDN score


The combine score


The compress score


The cookies score


The etags score


The gzip score


The keep-alive score


The minify score


The progressive JPEG score


The server RTT


The start epoch in Unix timestamp format


The step number


The test ID


The test start offset


The test URL


The test run time in milliseconds


The tester


The title time in milliseconds


V8 stats


The viewport dimensions


The visual complete time in milliseconds


The 85th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds


The 90th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds


The 95th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds


The 99th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds


The page ID


Page timings


The start date and time of the page in Unix timestamp format


The test ID


The page title