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Getting started accessing the HTTP Archive with BigQuery

The HTTP Archive is an open source project that tracks how the web is built. Historical data is provided to show how the web is constantly evolving, and the project is frequently used for research by the web community, scholars and industry leaders. If you are interested in digging into the HTTP Archive and are not sure where to start, then this guide should help you get started quickly.

There are over 1 million pages tracked on desktop and emulated mobile in the most recent HTTP Archive data, and the historical data goes back to 2010. While the HTTP Archive website makes a lot of information available via curated reports, analyzing the raw data is a powerful way of answering your questions about the web.

All of the data collected by the HTTP Archive is available via Google BigQuery. This makes analyzing the data easy because all of the storage and indexing is taken care of for you. And with the processing power behind BigQuery, even some of the most complex queries runs in seconds.

This document is an update to Ilya Grigorik’s 2013 introduction, and walks you through everything you need to get started accessing BigQuery and analyzing the data.

Setting up BigQuery to Access the HTTP Archive

In order to access the HTTP Archive via BigQuery, you’ll need a Google account. To document this process for new visitors, this example uses a new Google account that has never logged into any Google Cloud services.

  1. Navigate to the Google Cloud Projects Page and log in with your Google account if prompted. If this is your first time accessing Google Cloud, you may be prompted to accept the terms of service. Once you are logged in, you’ll see a page like this:

    Google Cloud Welcome

  2. Click Select a project and then New Project. This takes you to a New Project page.

    Google Cloud select project

  3. Give your project a name and then click the Create button.

    Create a Project

  4. Optional: Enable Billing by clicking on the Billing menu item and adding your billing information.

  5. Navigate to the BigQuery console where you should see your project, with no data.

  6. In order to add the HTTP Archive tables to your project, click on the + Add button on top of the Explorer sidebar and choose the Star a project by name option from the side menu.

  7. Type in httparchive (case-sensitive) and click STAR.

  8. You should now see the HTTP Archive data set pinned:

    BigQuery HTTPArchive pinned

  9. Let’s run a quick sample query to confirm access is all working. Navigate to the all dataset and select the pages table:

    BigQuery summary_pages tables

  10. Click on the QUERY button and select In a new tab:

    BigQuery Query in a new tab

  11. Change the query to take a small sample of the table (e.g. SELECT *), click the RUN button and you should see the results of your query.

    SELECT *
    FROM `httparchive.all.pages` TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (0.00001 PERCENT)
    WHERE date = "2024-05-01"

    BigQuery run a sample query

In the next section, we explore the structure of these tables so you can start digging in!

Understanding how the tables are structured

So, now you have access! But what do you have access to?

The table below outlines what some of the different tables include. You’ll find page views and HTTP requests. There are also JSON encoded HAR files for pages, requests, lighthouse reports and even response bodies!

TableMonthly SizeMonthly RowsHistory Since
summary_pages.*~16 GBDesktop: ~13M, Mobile: ~16 MDesktop: Nov 2010, Mobile: May 2011
summary_requests.*~1.9 TBDesktop: ~1.3B, Mobile: ~1.5BDesktop: Nov 2010, Mobile: May 2011
pages.*~3.1 TBDesktop: ~13 M, Mobile: ~16 MJan 2016
requests.*~12.5 TBDesktop: ~1.3 B, Mobile: ~1.5 BJan 2016
response_bodies.*~48 TBDesktop: ~647 M, Mobile: ~780 MJan 2016
all.pages~42 TBDesktop: ~24M, Mobile: ~30MMar 2022
all.requests~231 TBDesktop: ~2.4B, Mobile: ~2.7BMar 2022
lighthouse.*~200 GBDesktop: 12M, Mobile: ~16MJune 2017

In order to understand what each of these tables contain, you can click on the table name and view the details. For example, if you expand the all dataset and click on the pages table you can see the schema. Clicking Details tells you some information about the table, such as its size and the number of rows. Clicking Preview shows an example of some data from the table.

Table Preview

Some of the types of tables you’ll find useful when getting started are described below.

HAR Tables

The HTTP Archive stores detailed information about each page load in HAR (HTTP Archive) files. Each HAR file is JSON formatted and contains detailed performance data about a web page. The specification for this format is produced by the Web Performance Working Group of the W3C. The HTTP Archive splits each HAR file into multiple BigQuery tables, which are described below.

  • httparchive.all.pages:

    • HAR extract for each page url.
    • This table is very large (~938TB as of Jun 2024).
  • httparchive.all.requests:

    • HAR extract for each resource.
    • This table is very large (4.97PB as of Jun 2024)
  • httparchive.response_bodies.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the response_body column instead.
    • HAR extract containing response bodies for each request.
    • Table contains a document url, resource url and a JSON-encoded HAR extract containing the first 2MB of each response body.
    • Payloads are truncated at 2MB, and there is a column to indicate whether the payload was truncated.
    • These tables are extremely large (2.5TB as of Aug 2018).
  • httparchive.lighthouse.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the lighthouse column instead.
    • Results from a Lighthouse audit of a page.
    • Table contains a url, and a JSON-encoded copy of the lighthouse report.
    • Lighthouse was intially only run on mobile, but as of May 2021 also runs as part of the desktop crawl.
    • These tables are very large (2.3 TB for Mobile only as of May 2021)
  • httparchive.pages.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the httparchive.all.pages tables instead.
    • HAR extract for each page url.
    • Table contains a url and a JSON-encoded HAR file for the document.
    • These tables are large (~13GB as of Aug 2018).
  • httparchive.requests.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the httparchive.all.requests tables instead.
    • HAR extract for each resource.
    • Table contains a document url, resource url and a JSON-encoded HAR extract for each resource.
    • These tables are very large (810GB as of Jun 2024)

Summary Tables

  • httparchive.summary_pages.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the summary column instead.
    • Each row contains details about a single page including timings, # of requests, types of requests and sizes.
    • Information about the page load such # of domains, redirects, errors, https requests, CDN, etc.
    • Summary of different caching parameters.
    • Each page URL is associated with a “pageid”.
  • httparchive.summary_requests.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the summary column instead.
    • Every single object loaded by all of the pages.
    • Each object has a requestid and a pageid. The pageid can be used to JOIN the corresponding summary_pages table.
    • Information about the object, and how it was loaded.
    • Contains some response headers for each object.

Other Tables

  • httparchive.blink_features.usage:

    • Summary information about the Blink features detected on each page.
    • Table contains the num_urls, the pct_urls and sample urls for each feature.
    • This data is also available in the HAR of the pages table but is extracted into the blink_features tables for easy lookup.
    • This table is 944 MB as of May 2024.
  • httparchive.technologies.YYYY_MM_DD_CLIENT:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the technologies column instead.
    • Information about the technologies detected on each page (using Wappalyser rules).
    • Table contains a url and a list of names and categories for technologies detected on the page.
    • This data is also available in the HAR of the pages table but is extracted into the technologies table for easy lookup.
    • These tables are small (15 GB as of May 2024).
  • httparchive.blink_features.features:

    • Tables are OUTDATED, please use the features column instead.
    • Information about the Blink features detected on each page. See also the summary blink_features.usage table below.
    • Table contains a url and Blink feature names detected on the page.
    • This data is also available in the HAR of the pages table but is extracted into the blink_features tables for easy lookup.
    • This table is ~300GB per single platform as of May 2024.

Some Example Queries to Get Started Exploring the Data

The HTTP Archive Discuss section has lots of useful examples and discussion on how to analyze this data.

Now that you are all set up, let’s run some queries! Most HTTP Archive users start off examining the summary tables, so we’ll start there as well. Below is a simple aggregate query that tells you how many URLs are contained in the latest HTTP Archive data.

  COUNT(0) total_pages
  date = "2024-06-01"
  AND client = "desktop"
  AND is_root_page

Simple Aggregate Query

Perhaps you want to JOIN the pages and requests tables together, and see how many page URLs and request URLs are in this data set.

  COUNT(DISTINCT total_pages,
  COUNT(0) total_requests
  `httparchive.all.pages` pages
ON =
WHERE = "2024-06-01"
  AND = "2024-06-01"
  AND pages.client = "desktop"
  AND requests.client = "desktop"
  AND pages.is_root_page
  AND requests.is_root_page

When we look at the results of this, you can see how much data was processed during this query. Writing efficient queries limits the number of bytes processed - which is helpful since that’s how BigQuery is billed.

Simple JOIN Example

If you look closely, you’ll notice that this particular query could actually be written without the JOIN. For example, we can count distinct page from the requests table instead of JOINing the pages table. If you run this query, you’ll notice that the results are the same as the previous query, and the processed bytes are a bit less.

  COUNT(DISTINCT page) total_pages,
  COUNT(0) total_requests
  date = "2024-06-01"
  AND client = "desktop"
  AND is_root_page

Next let’s summarize all of the HTTP requests by a type, and the number of pages that contain at least one request of that type. In the example below, you can see that I added type to the SELECT clause, added a GROUP clause and sorted the results by types that have the most requests.

  COUNT(DISTINCT page) total_pages,
  COUNT(0) total_requests
  date = "2024-06-01"
  AND client = "desktop"
  AND is_root_page
  total_requests DESC

Now things are starting to get interesting.

Simple JOIN Example

So let’s try to learn something from this basic example. We know from the first example that there are 12.7 million URLs in the latest HTTP Archive dataset. Let’s calculate the percent of pages that have each resource type. To do this, we’ll divide the number of pages by the total pages (using our first query as a subquery). Then we’ll use a ROUND() function to trim the result to 2 decimal points.

WITH requests AS (
    COUNT(0) OVER () AS requests_total,
    COUNT(DISTINCT page) OVER () AS pages_total,
  FROM `httparchive.all.requests`
    date = "2024-06-01"
    AND client = "desktop"
    AND is_root_page

  COUNT(DISTINCT page) AS pages_total,
  ANY_VALUE(requests_total) AS requests_total,
  ROUND(COUNT(DISTINCT page) / ANY_VALUE(pages_total), 2) AS pages_percent
FROM requests
  pages_percent DESC

When analyzing the results from this, you can see the % of websites that use different resource types. You can see that:

  • 100% of sites have HTML and at least one image,
  • 97% have at least 1 script resource,
  • 96% load at least 1 CSS style,
  • and 87% load fonts on their homepage, etc.

Simple JOIN Example

To explore more interactive examples, read the Guided Tour.

If you want to explore deeper you have everything you need - infrastructure, documentation, community. Enjoy exploring this data and feel free to share your results and ask questions on the HTTP Archive Discuss section.