Request payload struct
Appears in: requests
As: payload
JSON-encoded WebPageTest result data for a request.
The actual schema of the WebPageTest result data is liable to change, depending on a request.
Here’s an example of the decoded object:
"pageref": "page_1_0_1",
"_run": 1,
"_cached": 0,
"startedDateTime": "2024-07-12T12:44:30.448119",
"time": 1080,
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"headersSize": 705,
"bodySize": -1,
"cookies": [],
"headers": [
"name": "accept",
"value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7"
"httpVersion": "HTTP/2",
"queryString": []
"response": {
"status": 200,
"statusText": "",
"headersSize": 354,
"bodySize": 648,
"headers": [
"name": "age",
"value": "297291"
"httpVersion": "HTTP/2",
"content": {
"size": 648,
"mimeType": "text/html"
"cookies": []
"cache": {},
"timings": {
"blocked": 172,
"dns": 182,
"connect": 539,
"ssl": 363,
"send": 0,
"wait": 186,
"receive": 1
"_type": 3,
"_id": "091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C",
"_request_id": "091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C",
"_ip_addr": "",
"_full_url": "",
"_is_secure": 1,
"_method": "GET",
"_host": "",
"_url": "/",
"_raw_id": "091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C",
"_frame_id": "1D859F37F34AE0AAA923D0A54914BBEB",
"_documentURL": "",
"_responseCode": 200,
"_request_type": "Document",
"_load_ms": 187,
"_ttfb_ms": 186,
"_load_start": 723,
"_load_start_float": 723.000078,
"_bytesIn": 648,
"_objectSize": 648,
"_objectSizeUncompressed": 1256,
"_chunks": [
"ts": 909,
"bytes": 648,
"inflated": 1256
"_expires": "Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:44:31 GMT",
"_cacheControl": "max-age=604800",
"_contentType": "text/html",
"_contentEncoding": "gzip",
"_socket": 91,
"_protocol": "HTTP/2",
"_dns_start": 1,
"_dns_end": 183,
"_connect_start": 183,
"_connect_end": 359,
"_ssl_start": 359,
"_ssl_end": 722,
"_securityDetails": {
"protocol": "TLS 1.3",
"keyExchange": "",
"keyExchangeGroup": "P-256",
"cipher": "AES_256_GCM",
"certificateId": 0,
"subjectName": "",
"sanList": [
"issuer": "DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1",
"validFrom": 1706572800,
"validTo": 1740873599,
"signedCertificateTimestampList": [
"status": "Verified",
"origin": "Embedded in certificate",
"logDescription": "Google 'Argon2025h1' log",
"logId": "4E75A3275C9A10C3385B6CD4DF3F52EB1DF0E08E1B8D69C0B1FA64B1629A39DF",
"timestamp": 1706642570340,
"hashAlgorithm": "SHA-256",
"signatureAlgorithm": "ECDSA",
"signatureData": "3043021F40510A0C4F6C1055C61716676E9AF0909EF373F5259EB09AFE7A1AC55CC8C00220382931B128E472484D344F9E8C93E261BC70BAD68C4BE172151D11C594BA4D53"
"certificateTransparencyCompliance": "compliant",
"serverSignatureAlgorithm": 2052,
"encryptedClientHello": false
"_initiator": "",
"_initiator_line": "",
"_initiator_column": "",
"_initiator_type": "script",
"_priority": "Highest",
"_initial_priority": "Highest",
"_server_rtt": null,
"_headers": {
"request": [
":method: GET",
":path: /",
":scheme: https",
"accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7",
"accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
"accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9",
"priority: u=0, i",
"sec-ch-ua: \" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"126\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"126\"",
"sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?1",
"sec-ch-ua-platform: \"Android\"",
"sec-fetch-dest: document",
"sec-fetch-mode: navigate",
"sec-fetch-site: cross-site",
"upgrade-insecure-requests: 1",
"user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.1.0; Moto G (4)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 PTST/240709.152506"
"response": [
"age: 297291",
"cache-control: max-age=604800",
"content-encoding: gzip",
"content-length: 648",
"content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8",
"date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:44:31 GMT",
"etag: \"3147526947+gzip\"",
"expires: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:44:31 GMT",
"last-modified: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:18:26 GMT",
"server: ECAcc (lac/55D2)",
"vary: Accept-Encoding",
"x-cache: HIT",
":status: 200"
"_bytesOut": 2209,
"_score_cache": -1,
"_score_cdn": 100,
"_score_gzip": 100,
"_score_cookies": -1,
"_score_keep-alive": 100,
"_score_minify": -1,
"_score_combine": -1,
"_score_compress": -1,
"_score_etags": -1,
"_dns_ms": 182,
"_connect_ms": 176,
"_ssl_ms": 363,
"_gzip_total": 648,
"_gzip_save": 0,
"_minify_total": null,
"_minify_save": null,
"_image_total": null,
"_image_save": null,
"_cache_time": null,
"_cdn_provider": "Edgecast",
"_server_count": null,
"_created": 11,
"_dns_info": {
"secure": false,
"transactions_needed": [
"dns_query_type": "A"
"dns_query_type": "HTTPS"
"results": {
"aliases": [
"canonical_names": [
"endpoint_metadatas": [],
"expiration": "13365194235802105",
"host_ports": [],
"hostname_results": [],
"ip_endpoints": [
"endpoint_address": "",
"endpoint_port": 0
"text_records": []
"_socket_group": " < same_site>",
"_http2_stream_id": 1,
"_http2_stream_dependency": 0,
"_http2_stream_weight": 256,
"_http2_stream_exclusive": 1,
"_http2_server_settings": {
"_tls_version": "TLS 1.3",
"_tls_resumed": "False",
"_tls_next_proto": "h2",
"_tls_cipher_suite": 4866,
"_netlog_id": 78,
"_certificates": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nFfnzxLutUV++3seshgefQOy5C/ayi8y1VTNmujPCxPCi6Q==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"_server_port": "443",
"_final_base_page": true,
"_is_base_page": true,
"_load_end": 910,
"_ttfb_start": 723,
"_ttfb_end": 909,
"_download_start": 909,
"_download_end": 910,
"_download_ms": 1,
"_all_start": 1,
"_all_end": 910,
"_all_ms": 908,
"_index": 0,
"_number": 1,
"_body_file": "001-091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C-body.txt"
Field | Type | Description |
pageref | string | Reference to the page containing this request. |
_run | int | The run number of the test. |
_cached | int | Indicates if the request was cached (0 or 1). |
startedDateTime | string | Start time of the request. |
time | int | Total time taken for the request in milliseconds. |
request | object | Details of the request. |
request.method | string | HTTP method used for the request. |
request.url | string | URL of the requested resource. |
request.headersSize | int | Size of the request headers. |
request.bodySize | int | Size of the request body. |
request.cookies | array | Cookies sent with the request. |
request.headers | array | Headers sent with the request. |
request.headers[].name | string | Header name. |
request.headers[].value | string | Header value. |
request.httpVersion | string | HTTP version used for the request. |
request.queryString | array | Query string parameters. |
response | object | Details of the response. |
response.status | int | HTTP response status code. |
response.statusText | string | Status text of the response. |
response.headersSize | int | Size of the response headers. |
response.bodySize | int | Size of the response body. |
response.headers | array | Headers sent with the response. |
response.headers[].name | string | Header name. |
response.headers[].value | string | Header value. |
response.httpVersion | string | HTTP version used for the response. |
response.content | object | Content details of the response. |
response.content.size | int | Size of the content. |
response.content.mimeType | string | MIME type of the content. |
response.cookies | array | Cookies received with the response. |
cache | object | Cache details (empty in this example). |
timings | object | Timing details of various stages of the request. |
timings.blocked | int | Time spent in blocking. |
timings.dns | int | Time spent in DNS lookup. |
timings.connect | int | Time spent in establishing a connection. |
timings.ssl | int | Time spent in SSL handshake. |
timings.send | int | Time spent in sending the request. |
timings.wait | int | Time spent in waiting for the response. |
timings.receive | int | Time spent in receiving the response. |
_type | int | Type identifier for the request. |
_id | string | Unique identifier for the request. |
_request_id | string | Identifier for the original request. |
_ip_addr | string | IP address of the requested server. |
_full_url | string | Full URL of the request. |
_is_secure | int | Indicates if the request is secure (0 or 1). |
_method | string | HTTP method used for the request. |
_host | string | Host of the request. |
_url | string | URL path of the request. |
_raw_id | string | Raw ID for the request. |
_frame_id | string | Frame ID where the request was made. |
_documentURL | string | Document URL of the request. |
_responseCode | int | HTTP response code. |
_request_type | string | Type of the request (e.g., Document). |
_load_ms | int | Load time in milliseconds. |
_ttfb_ms | int | Time to first byte in milliseconds. |
_load_start | int | Start time of load in milliseconds. |
_load_start_float | float | Precise start time of load. |
_bytesIn | int | Number of bytes received. |
_objectSize | int | Size of the object received. |
_objectSizeUncompressed | int | Uncompressed size of the object received. |
_chunks | array | Array of chunks received. |
_chunks[].ts | int | Timestamp of the chunk. |
_chunks[].bytes | int | Size of the chunk. |
_chunks[].inflated | int | Size of the inflated chunk. |
_expires | string | Expiry date of the request. |
_cacheControl | string | Cache control header value. |
_contentType | string | Content type of the response. |
_contentEncoding | string | Content encoding of the response. |
_socket | int | Socket used for the request. |
_protocol | string | Protocol used for the request. |
_dns_start | int | DNS start time. |
_dns_end | int | DNS end time. |
_connect_start | int | Connection start time. |
_connect_end | int | Connection end time. |
_ssl_start | int | SSL handshake start time. |
_ssl_end | int | SSL handshake end time. |
_securityDetails | object | Security details of the request. |
_securityDetails.protocol | string | Security protocol used. |
_securityDetails.keyExchange | string | Key exchange used. |
_securityDetails.keyExchangeGroup | string | Key exchange group used. |
_securityDetails.cipher | string | Cipher used. |
_securityDetails.certificateId | int | Certificate ID. |
_securityDetails.subjectName | string | Subject name of the certificate. |
_securityDetails.sanList | array | Subject alternative names. |
_securityDetails.issuer | string | Issuer of the certificate. |
_securityDetails.validFrom | int | Valid from date of the certificate. |
_securityDetails.validTo | int | Valid to date of the certificate. |
_securityDetails.signedCertificateTimestampList | array | List of signed certificate timestamps. |
_securityDetails.certificateTransparencyCompliance | string | Certificate transparency compliance. |
_securityDetails.serverSignatureAlgorithm | int | Server signature algorithm. |
_securityDetails.encryptedClientHello | int | Indicates if the client hello is encrypted. |
_initiator | string | Initiator of the request. |
_initiator_line | string | Line number of the initiator. |
_initiator_column | string | Column number of the initiator. |
_initiator_type | string | Type of initiator (e.g., script). |
_priority | string | Priority of the request. |
_initial_priority | string | Initial priority of the request. |
_server_rtt | int | Server round-trip time. |
_headers | object | Headers for the request and response. |
_headers.request | array | Request headers. |
_headers.response | array | Response headers. |
_bytesOut | int | Number of bytes sent. |
_score_cache | int | Cache score. |
_score_cdn | int | CDN score. |
_score_gzip | int | Gzip compression score. |
_score_cookies | int | Cookies score. |
_score_keep-alive | int | Keep-alive score. |
_score_minify | int | Minification score. |
_score_combine | int | Combine score. |
_score_compress | int | Compression score. |
_score_etags | int | ETags score. |
_dns_ms | int | DNS lookup time in milliseconds. |
_connect_ms | int | Connection time in milliseconds. |
_ssl_ms | int | SSL handshake time in milliseconds. |
_gzip_total | int | Total size of the gzip-compressed content. |
_gzip_save | int | Size saved due to gzip compression. |
_minify_total | int | Total size of minified content. |
_minify_save | int | Size saved due to minification. |
_image_total | int | Total size of images. |
_image_save | int | Size saved due to image optimization. |
_cache_time | int | Cache time. |
_cdn_provider | string | CDN provider used. |
_server_count | int | Number of servers used. |
_created | int | Creation time of the request. |
_dns_info | object | DNS information. | | int | Indicates if the DNS query is secure. |
_dns_info.transactions_needed | array | Transactions needed for DNS query. |
_dns_info.transactions_needed[].dns_query_type | string | Type of DNS query. |
_dns_info.results | object | Results of the DNS query. |
_dns_info.results.aliases | array | Aliases for the domain. |
_dns_info.results.canonical_names | array | Canonical names for the domain. |
_dns_info.results.endpoint_metadatas | array | Endpoint metadata. |
_dns_info.results.expiration | string | Expiration date of the DNS query. |
_dns_info.results.host_ports | array | Host ports. |
_dns_info.results.hostname_results | array | Hostname results. |
_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints | array | IP endpoints. |
_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_address | string | IP address of the endpoint. |
_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_port | int | Port of the endpoint. |
_dns_info.results.text_records | array | Text records. |
_socket_group | string | Socket group. |
_http2_stream_id | int | HTTP/2 stream ID. |
_http2_stream_dependency | int | HTTP/2 stream dependency. |
_http2_stream_weight | int | HTTP/2 stream weight. |
_http2_stream_exclusive | int | HTTP/2 stream exclusivity. |
_http2_server_settings | object | HTTP/2 server settings. |
_tls_version | string | TLS version used. |
_tls_resumed | string | Indicates if the TLS session was resumed. |
_tls_next_proto | string | Next protocol used. |
_tls_cipher_suite | int | Cipher suite used. |
_netlog_id | int | Netlog ID. |
_certificates | array | Certificates used. |
_server_port | string | Server port. |
_final_base_page | int | Indicates if the request is the final base page. |
_is_base_page | int | Indicates if the request is the base page. |
_load_end | int | Load end time. |
_ttfb_start | int | Time to first byte start time. |
_ttfb_end | int | Time to first byte end time. |
_download_start | int | Download start time. |
_download_end | int | Download end time. |
_download_ms | int | Download time in milliseconds. |
_all_start | int | Start time of all operations. |
_all_end | int | End time of all operations. |
_all_ms | int | Total time taken for all operations. |
_index | int | Index of the request. |
_number | int | Number of the request. |
_body_file | string | File containing the body of the request. |
Reference to the page containing this request.
The run number of the test.
Indicates if the request was cached (0 or 1).
Start time of the request.
Total time taken for the request in milliseconds.
Details of the request.
HTTP method used for the request.
URL of the requested resource.
Size of the request headers.
Size of the request body.
Cookies sent with the request.
Headers sent with the request.
Header name.
Header value.
HTTP version used for the request.
Query string parameters.
Details of the response.
HTTP response status code.
Status text of the response.
Size of the response headers.
Size of the response body.
Headers sent with the response.
Header name.
Header value.
HTTP version used for the response.
Content details of the response.
Size of the content.
MIME type of the content.
Cookies received with the response.
Cache details (empty in this example).
Timing details of various stages of the request.
Time spent in blocking.
Time spent in DNS lookup.
Time spent in establishing a connection.
Time spent in SSL handshake.
Time spent in sending the request.
Time spent in waiting for the response.
Time spent in receiving the response.
Type identifier for the request.
Unique identifier for the request.
Identifier for the original request.
IP address of the requested server.
Full URL of the request.
Indicates if the request is secure (0 or 1).
HTTP method used for the request.
Host of the request.
URL path of the request.
Raw ID for the request.
Frame ID where the request was made.
Document URL of the request.
HTTP response code.
Type of the request (e.g., Document).
Load time in milliseconds.
Time to first byte in milliseconds.
Start time of load in milliseconds.
float | Precise start time of load.
Number of bytes received.
Size of the object received.
Uncompressed size of the object received.
array | Array of chunks received.
Timestamp of the chunk.
Size of the chunk.
Size of the inflated chunk.
Expiry date of the request.
Cache control header value.
Content type of the response.
Content encoding of the response.
Socket used for the request.
Protocol used for the request.
DNS start time.
DNS end time.
Connection start time.
Connection end time.
SSL handshake start time.
SSL handshake end time.
Security details of the request.
Security protocol used.
Key exchange used.
Key exchange group used.
Cipher used.
Certificate ID.
Subject name of the certificate.
Subject alternative names.
Issuer of the certificate.
Valid from date of the certificate.
Valid to date of the certificate.
List of signed certificate timestamps.
Certificate transparency compliance.
Server signature algorithm.
Indicates if the client hello is encrypted.
Initiator of the request.
Line number of the initiator.
Column number of the initiator.
Type of initiator (e.g., script).
Priority of the request.
Initial priority of the request.
Server round-trip time.
Headers for the request and response.
Request headers.
Response headers.
Number of bytes sent.
Cache score.
CDN score.
Gzip compression score.
Cookies score.
Keep-alive score.
Minification score.
Combine score.
Compression score.
ETags score.
DNS lookup time in milliseconds.
Connection time in milliseconds.
SSL handshake time in milliseconds.
Total size of the gzip-compressed content.
Size saved due to gzip compression.
Total size of minified content.
Size saved due to minification.
Total size of images.
Size saved due to image optimization.
Cache time.
CDN provider used.
Number of servers used.
Creation time of the request.
DNS information.
Indicates if the DNS query is secure.
Transactions needed for DNS query.
Type of DNS query.
Results of the DNS query.
Aliases for the domain.
Canonical names for the domain.
Endpoint metadata.
Expiration date of the DNS query.
Host ports.
Hostname results.
IP endpoints.
IP address of the endpoint.
Port of the endpoint.
Text records.
Socket group.
HTTP/2 stream ID.
HTTP/2 stream dependency.
HTTP/2 stream weight.
HTTP/2 stream exclusivity.
HTTP/2 server settings.
TLS version used.
Indicates if the TLS session was resumed.
Next protocol used.
Cipher suite used.
Netlog ID.
array | Certificates used.
Server port.
Indicates if the request is the final base page.
Indicates if the request is the base page.
Load end time.
Time to first byte start time.
Time to first byte end time.
Download start time.
Download end time.
Download time in milliseconds.
Start time of all operations.
End time of all operations.
Total time taken for all operations.
Index of the request.
Number of the request.
File containing the body of the request.