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Pages table

httparchive.crawl.pages is a partitioned and clustered table containing one row per page tested in the HTTP Archive. Pages are tested on a monthly basis and as of April 2022, both the root page and one secondary page are tested.


Field name
dateDATEYYYY-MM-DD format of the HTTP Archive monthly crawl
clientSTRINGTest environment: 'desktop' or 'mobile'
pageSTRINGThe URL of the page being tested
is_root_pageBOOLEANWhether the page is the root of the origin
root_pageSTRINGThe URL of the root page being tested, the origin followed by /
rankINTEGERSite popularity rank, from CrUX
wptidSTRINGID of the WebPageTest results
payloadJSONJSON-encoded WebPageTest results for the page
summaryJSONJSON-encoded summarization of the page-level data
custom_metricsRECORDJSON-encoded test results of the custom metrics
lighthouseJSONJSON-encoded Lighthouse report
featuresARRAY<RECORD>Blink features detected at runtime
technologiesARRAY<RECORD>Technologies detected at runtime
metadataJSONAdditional metadata about the test


This field is required for all queries over the pages table.

YYYY-MM-DD format of the HTTP Archive monthly crawl.

Example: date = '2023-06-01'


Test environment: 'desktop' or 'mobile'.


The URL of the page being tested.

Example: page = ''


Whether the page is the root of the origin.


The URL of the root page being tested, the origin followed by /.

Example: root_page = ''


Site popularity rank, from CrUX


ID of the WebPageTest results, for example wptid = '230509_Dx20W_FMHK5'.

The ID encodes the date of the test at the start in YYMMDD format. The date is followed by an underscore and a D or M character indicating whether it was a desktop or mobile test. The rest of the ID is randomly generated. In the example above we can tell that the page was tested on May 9, 2023, and that it was a desktop test.

You can view the WebPageTest results in the browser by visiting<wptid>/, eg This is HTTP Archive’s own private instance of WebPageTest, which is required to view any of the results.


JSON-encoded WebPageTest results for the page.

For a full example value, see payload.json.

See the Page payload reference for more details.


JSON-encoded summarization of the page-level data

See the Page summary reference for more details.


JSON-encoded test results of the custom metrics.

See the Custom metrics reference for more details.


JSON-encoded Lighthouse report.

See the Lighthouse reference for more details.


Blink features detected at runtime (see

See the Feature reference for more details.


Technologies detected at runtime (see

See the Technology reference for more details.


Additional metadata about the test

See the Page metadata reference for more details.

Example queries

Here are some common operations you can perform with the pages table.

Count the pages crawled

/* This query will process 1 GB when run. */
count(0) AS pages_total
FROM `httparchive.crawl.pages`
WHERE date = '2024-05-01'
GROUP BY client, is_root_page

Get the median page weight

/* This query will process 1.12 GB when run. */
WITH pages AS (
INT64(summary.bytesTotal) AS page_weight
FROM `httparchive.crawl.pages` TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (1 PERCENT)
WHERE date = '2023-05-01'
APPROX_QUANTILES(page_weight, 1000)[OFFSET(500)] AS median_page_weight
FROM pages
GROUP BY client

The median mobile page weighs 1.78 MB and the median desktop page weighs 2.03 MB.

This query uses the APPROX_QUANTILES function to calculate the median page weight for each client type as of May 2023.

The bytesTotal property of the summary object represents the total number of bytes loaded on the page. This value is stored as a JSON-encoded string, so we use INT64 to convert it to an integer.

We’re also using the WITH clause here to create a temporary table called pages, which is then fed into the main query below. This makes the query a bit easier to read.

Also note that for demonstration purposes, this query processes a 1% sample of the httparchive.crawl.pages table. This reduces the amount of data processed by the query, which can help reduce costs. But note that the results will be less accurate than if you ran the query on the full table.

The average number of requests per page

/* This query will process 0.6 GB when run. */
WITH pages_summary AS (
INT64(summary.reqTotal) AS reqTotal,
INT64(summary.numDomains) AS numDomains
FROM `httparchive.crawl.pages` TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (1 PERCENT)
date = '2024-06-01' AND
client = 'mobile'
COUNT(0) pages,
ROUND(AVG(reqTotal), 2) avg_requests,
APPROX_QUANTILES(reqTotal, 100)[SAFE_ORDINAL(25)] p25_requests,
APPROX_QUANTILES(reqTotal, 100)[SAFE_ORDINAL(50)] p50_requests,
APPROX_QUANTILES(reqTotal, 100)[SAFE_ORDINAL(75)] p75_requests,
APPROX_QUANTILES(reqTotal, 100)[SAFE_ORDINAL(95)] p95_requests
FROM pages_summary